Vision and Values


Together we grow stronger

Our Christian vision at St. John’s – Together we grow stronger – is underpinned by a quote from 1 Corinthians 16: 13-14 where Paul is giving encouragement. He says: “Be watchful, stand firm in faith, be courageous, be strong; Let all that you do be done in love.”

These words of encouragement identify key Christian characteristics that we wish to instil upon all members of our school community, but in particular to give our children the best possible start to their spiritual journey, their lives as learners and their future roles in modern British society.

Our Christian values at St. John’s are LOVE, HOPE and TRUST.

  • LOVE - As we are gentle and loving to one another and have a love of learning;
  • HOPE - As we aspire to grow stronger together, in strength and courage, and challenge ourselves to be the best we can be;
  • TRUST - As we trust in God and become trustworthy global citizens.

Through our value of love, it is our firm belief that love and kindness underpins all of our Christian and human characteristics, and that in school, all of the decisions that we make and all of our actions should be done in love. We believe that Jesus’ life teaches us to be compassionate in all that we do, and we use his teachings to guide us through life’s journey. We show love and respect to everyone including those we disagree with. We believe that compassion is not compromise.

Through our value of hope, we aspire to be courageous and strong. Courgaeous when faced with challenge and courageous when faced with adversity. We want our children to not only be courageous learners, but also courageous citizens, advocating for what they believe is right and just, and not being a bystander. Being strong isn’t about how big your muscles are: being strong means knowing that we all have weaknesses and that we can overcome them; it means being able to endure difficulty with positivity; it means being determined in our beliefs and convictions. At St. John’s, we aspire for our children to be strong citizens of the present and of the future.

Through our value of trust, we must be watchful, and stand firm in faith. Being watchful means we need to be attentive: to know the condition of our life, our family and friends and the world around us. At St. John’s, we encourage and expect all children and adutls to trust in one another and to look out for one another. We stand firm in faith, together, on the truths upon which we stand. These truths help us to trust in God to show use the way.

With the support of each other, together we will grow stronger. Ultimately, together we can gain the strength and support we need to succeed. Together we can share our love and share in God’s love. Together we can be braver and speak out courageously against injustices. Together we can look after each other and remain firm in our beliefs and truths. Togetherness is essential for our faith to grow and our relationships to flourish. Together we grow stronger.