St John’s CofE School    030

School Curriculum


Be watchful, stand firm in faith, be courageous, be strong. Let all that you do be done in love. (Corinthians 16:13-14)


Through our Christian Faith, we acknowledge our responsibility to all, to enrich lives and show love and respect within our school family and the local community. 

We believe in lifelong learning aiming to equip our children to live life today and for tomorrow rooted in Christian love.


We want our children to foster a ‘Love for Learning’ and a thirst for knowledge, learning more and remembering more.  Our pupils are educated citizens with a rich cultural capital and we introduce them to the best that has been thought and said, helping to engender an appreciation of human creativity and achievement. 

Our Curriculum has been designed to ensure each and every child can ' live life in all its fullness' by offering stimulating and awe-inspiring learning experiences with Christian values at its heart.

It is bespoke to the needs of the pupils at St John’s, not only by focusing on appropriate subject specific knowledge, skills and understanding as set out in the National Curriculum, but by modelling the virtues given to us by Christ and by developing individual and collaborative learning experiences, a positive growth mind set, a sense of responsibility and challenges that take them beyond the classroom.

Implementation: How we do it

  • We follow the National Curriculum so that children are provided with an opportunity to follow a broad and balanced curriculum. 
  • Through quality teaching of knowledge, skills and vocabulary across core and foundation subjects, all children will be challenged to be inquisitive, resilient, compassionate, courageous and creative learners. They will have opportunities to influence their own learning through age/stage appropriate and progressive themes and topics.  Teacher encourage learning to be centred around the needs and interests of the child.
  • Effective learning characteristics including being ambitious, reflective and imaginative will drive teaching and learning.  They will build on previous learning and be able to make links accelerating their learning forward with direction.  Assessment is used to help pupil embed learning, check understanding and inform planning.
  • Maths is taught through a Mastery Approach and White Rose is followed throughout the school. 
  • English is taught daily and focuses on the three areas; Reading, Writing and SPAG.  We use The Write Stuff to help to inspire writing and in KS2, reading is structured around a text, giving children the opportunity to focus on reading comprehension skills.  SPAG is taught daily through English, following a clear progression through the school. 
  • Joined handwriting is taught from the beginning of KS2
  • A Hand for Spelling programme is used across KS2 every day.  KS1 focuses on High Frequency Words and Tricky words which follow the children’s phonics. 
  • Reading is focused and for enjoyment.  It is a priority within the school ensuring the full curriculum is accessed.  Early reading is focused on and children are assessed regularly ensuring gaps are addressed early. 
  • Reading connects closely to phonics and books are linked to phonetic knowledge.  Phonics is taught daily in EYFS to Y2 using Little Wandle.
  • Enrichment days and weeks are key to developing some aspects of the National Curriculum.
  • RE is taught using the RE today scheme, which follows thelocally agreed syllabus. Ee worship together every day. 
  • PE is taught by a PE specialist, swimming lessons by a qualified swimming teacher and dance lessons by a dance specialist.
  • PSHE is taught through the Jigsaw scheme and we hold a weekly PSHE worship as well as Healthy School week and Anti bullying/Cyber awareness days. 
  • Year groups take part in sharing worships which promotes the children’s understanding of the ethos and learning values. British Values and Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural expectations (SMSC).
  • Residential trips are offered to Y5/Y6 on an alternate yearly basis.
  • At least three educational experiences take place a year in each class, 1 in school and 2 trips. 
  • Theatrical skills are developed through performances.
  • Parents are invited into school regularly for information events and Parents evenings.  They are invited to regular services that we hold at St John’s Church as well as to various PTA events.
  • Our SEND children are well supported and their learning is matched to their need.
  • Work is challenging and is sequenced to ensure knowledge is built and remembered.
  • Teachers professional Development is regularly updated to ensure teachers have a strong subject knowledge. 

Impact: What this means for our children

  • We know our curriculum is impactful as children tell us they love their learning and they take great pride in their work.
  • Parents feedback tells us that they are happy with their children’s education and personal growth.
  • Learning attitudes by the children are very good and they are motivated and engaged in their learning. 
  • Monitoring shows that children are active in their own learning, enjoy the challenges set for them and are able to think flexibly and creatively. 
  • Analysis of internal testing provides staff with an accurate overview in order to ‘close any gaps’.
  • Children are able to discuss books and have a love for reading, they read widely and often.
  • Children are able to use Mathematical concepts appropriate to their age. 
  • Children’s academic progress is reflected in their results and pupils make good progress ensuring that when they leave St John’s they are ready for their next stage of learning. 

Our children will have a confident set of skills, knowledge, norms and Christian values which can be used to get ahead in education and life more generally. In short they will learn more, remember more, enjoy more and develop more spiritually, socially and emotionally. Thus enabling them to be ready for their next stage in education.

If you wish to find out anything more about our curriculum please get in touch with us through one of the ways shown on the Contact Us page.


Page Downloads Date  
Feedback & Marking Policy 25th May 2024 Download
Teaching and Learning Policy 04th Sep 2023 Download