St John’s Family Tree (PTA) consists of a group of parents/staff who voluntarily give up their time to raise money for the school.

We are always looking for new members. By joining the PTA you have the opportunity to actively make a difference and these are just some of the benefits:

  • Gain a better understanding of the school

  • Generate much needed funds which can be used to enhance your child’s learning and opportunities

  • Meet other parents and make new friends.

We are always open to new members! 

Our first meeting of the school year is on Wednesday 11th September 2024 at 2pm. The meeting will be held at St. John's with refreshments provided.

In the past, we have provided:

  1. A beautiful play trail for all the children to use each and every day at playtimes and lunchtimes.

  2. Amazing books to resource the school's new library.

  3. A fantastic bike shed to encourage healthy journeys to school.

  4. House Team Bibs 


In the future, we would like to be able to provide:

  1. Fully-funded school trips
  2. Reduced costings for school residential
  3. A coffee shop at the front of the school

Some of the exciting events we organise include:

  1. An annual Mother's Day and Father's Day shop so children can choose a present for mum, dad, auntie, uncle, grandma and grandad.

  2. Fun non-uniform days

  3. Termly Discos for the children.

  4. A Christmas Fayre and a Summer Fayre.