Imber (Years 5 & 6)

Welcome to Imber Class 

Class Teacher: Mr Smith
Teaching Assistant: Mrs Hay and Miss Turner

For class news and photographs, or to contact the class teacher, please see Class Dojo


Homework will be checked each Friday

Homework includes:

  • Daily Reading (at least 5 times a week)
  • Maths task - TT Rockstars (Mrs Walker will ensure all children have a log in)
  • Weekly spelling task

Reading at Home

Your child needs to read at home every day. Ideally, this should be out loud to an adult. Please record each time your child reads in their Reading Record, along with a comment.

PE Kit

In Imber class, we have PE on Tuesday and Friday. Please make sure children to come to school in their PE kit on these days.


In Dahl Class, we start the day by preparing our learning resources, practising our spelling or reading independently. 

 8:45 - 9:00 Worship

 9.00 - 10.00 Writing

We follow the Jane Considine 'The Write Stuff' planning units. This term, we writing a story based on the book Zoo by Anthony Browne and a balanced argument about screen use. 

10:00 - 10:20 Reading Comprehension

Guided Reading. This term, we will be reading a variety of texts. In these sessions, we discuss the text in detail to expand our vocabulary, answer retrieval (‘right there’) questions, followed by inference (thinking about what we have read) questions. These involve being clue detectives to read between the lines for a deeper understanding of what the author is trying to tell us. It is really important that we can give evidence from the text to support our ideas.

10:35 - 11:00 Spelling / Grammar

11:00 - 12:00 Maths

This term, we are developing our understanding of place value and the four operations.  

Have a look on here for some fun activities to do at home:

Click on Primary Pupils, then click on Topics (top right of screen). This will then take you to a list of topics to select from. When you click on a topic, there is a number of activities to choose from, including the suggested age range the activity is aimed at. Have fun!


All letters must be of the correct size and positioned accurately. Joins must be clear. Remember, people who don’t know your handwriting style, must be able to read it easily.


Term 1 Afternoons in Dahl Class:

Afternoons in Dahl class is when all of our topic work takes place.

For example, this term we will been learning about Benin Kingdom in History, investigating forces in Science and developing our sewing skills within textiles in DT. See our Parent Planner for more information.