Battlesbury (Years 3 & 4)

Welcome to Butterworth Class

Class Teacher: Mrs Walker 
Teaching Assistant:  Mrs Bracewell

For class news and photographs or to contact the class teacher, please see Class Dojo


Homework will be checked each Friday

Homework includes:

  • Daily Reading (at least 5 times a week)
  • Maths task - TT Rockstars (Mrs Walker will ensure all children have a log in)
  • Weekly spelling task

Reading at Home

Your child needs to read at home every day. Ideally, this should be out loud to an adult. Please record each time your child reads in their Reading Record, along with a comment.

PE Lessons 

Please remember that Butterworth's PE lessons are on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Children need to come to school in their PE kits on these days.

Morning task

We start the day with either a writing or maths activity. Once the children have put their bags and coats away, they independently get on with this task.


As writers we will be writing a narrative based on 'The Real Story of the Three Little Pigs' by Jon Scieszka. Later in the term we will developing our non-fiction writing by writing an explanation based on 'Street beneath my Feet' by Charlotte Guillain and Yuval Zommer.


We follow Jane Considine’s spelling scheme. These lessons consist of various spelling investigations and great activities to help the children with their spellings. 


In Butterworth Class, we follow the letter join handwriting scheme. Every day we have a session building towards joined up handwriting. 


As mathematicians, we will be developing our understanding of Place Value and Addition & Subtraction.

Guided reading

In guided reading, we use Bug Club and we will be looking at a range of different texts that will support our comprehension. 

Religious Education (R.E.)

In R.E we are exploring the question: How special is the relationship Jews have with God?


During the afternoons the children will have sessions covering PE, History, Science, PSHE, Music, French, DT or Computing.