Longleat (Years 1 & 2)

Welcome to Longleat Class

Class Teacher: Miss Markham
Teaching Assistant: Mrs Hornsey

For class news and photographs, or to contact the class teacher, please see Class Dojo



Please check your child's bag daily. 

  • A Reading Record book
  • Reading books 

Encourage your child to help you check they have got all they need in their book bags. This will help them to gain independence.

Homework includes:

  • Daily Reading (at least 5 times a week)
  • Maths task - Numbots/TT Rockstars (Miss Markham will ensure all children have a log in)
  • Reading Eggs (Miss Markham will ensure all children have a log in)

Reading at home

Your child needs to read at home every day. Each read needs to be recorded and signed in their reading record along with a comment.

Phonics/ SPAG

We have a 20 minute Phonics (Y1) and SPAG (Y2) session to start the day. Phonics will focus on Phase 5 across the year and SPAG will focus on a wide range of aspects in writing, from basic punctuation to tenses and spelling rules. Phonics will still play a part for Y2s, particularly with spelling and those that require it, will still get a quick phonics recap each day.

Phonics Play

BBC Bitesized


As always, it is essential that every child reads every day. The focus in reading is on fluency. This means your child will now be bringing home a book that they can read to you fluently without overly segmenting and blending. Please ensure that you read this book with your child at least 3 times, encouraging and supporting expression and understanding of the text.


Areas covered this term will include place value and addition & subtraction for both Year 1 and Year 2. 

Small steps are worked through to build confidence and secure knowledge.

Have a look on here for some fun games to play:

Top Marks


Potter class will be learning all about The Great Fire of London before looking at the origins of Bonfire Night and why it is celebrated.


This term, we are learning about growing plants. We will investigate seeds and bulbs and the requirements for healthy growth.

Design Technology

Textiles will be the focus of art this term. We will develop our sewing skills in order to make a teddy bear.

Religious Education

The big question this term is, "Does God want Christians to look after the world?" We will learn about The Creation Story and understand what we can do to look after the world.